
My blog move is now finished. I feel like i should inforce the "Quality over Quantity" quote inorder to keep this blog alive.

A door opened up for me last night.Not Literally.Figurativly. I dont want to open my mouth about anything though. i dont know if its a done deal or if the plans will even go through. But im happy. im content. and i hope that it all works out. If this plan does go down next year, everything that appeals to me will be seen on a wider range of networking..ill just put it that way..which probably makes no sense what-so-ever.but i have to polish up my grammar.i dont want to sound like a complete idiot.

i think. at times. the reason why i dont feel connected with reality is because my dreams make up most of my days. i live inside myself. breathing.breeding.nesting new ideas. the times i do feel connected with reality is when something unusual happens. i dont know how to react to reality anymore. i grow quiet.i become shaky.i build up a bastion in my heart to make it certain that what im feeling is real.but what is reality? really.


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